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Copper Warrior

Copper Warrior is located 45km south of Moab, Utah, within the Paradox Basin, an extremely large sedimentary sequence with world class endowment of Vanadium, Uranium and Copper.

The project lies along the Lisbon Valley fault and within the same geological units as the Lisbon Valley copper mine (37Mt @ 0.46% Cu) situated approximately 15km to the south-east.

There are large volumes of outcropping copper across the Copper Warrior Project landholding, and recent drilling has confirmed the presence of copper and silver within the prospective mining units at depth.

Importantly, the drilling has also confirmed that the copper mineralisation may be coincident with a series of Induced Polarisation (IP) anomalies along the trend of the Lisbon Valley Fault.

The Lisbon Valley copper ores are highly amenable to simple heap leaching providing any deposits defined at Copper Warrior with a low capex pathway to commercialization.